Thursday, November 25, 2010

Hello from Manila!

Yes, finally in Manila. Been here since the 14th and has been quite busy since, mostly eating out and shopping for the baby.

Haven't even met up with the girl friends!

Steve flew back to Dubai last night, so sad, never been apart for longer than a week since we got married. Can't wait to have him back. Counting down the days until Baby Girl and I can be with him.

Staying at the parental's house now, in my old room. :)

Guess what, I'm on my 31st Week today! Time flies!! Our doctor said it's pretty much a waiting game after the 37th Week, that's only six weeks from now!

I know I'm excited to see our Baby Girl, not sure I'm excited about the labor and all that.

Baby Girl's more active too, but no more kicks, her movements feel more like stretching and rolling and jumping. Or even feels like dancing, shaking her fists here and there. :)

Sorted out her stuffs we got from Dubai and boy, she's got enough newborn outfits to last her a month without repeats! And we're still expecting boxes from the US! LOL!

So yes, no more shopping for newborn stuffs. Will wait until she gets bigger then Mommy shall update her wardrobe. That would be so much fun!

Steve and I had a pregnancy photo session too. Haven't seen the shots yet and will have to go back with some props. Can't wait to see them.

Oh, my feet/ankles and fingers are kind of swollen since I arrived here. I think my body was so used to just sitting at home with my feet up that when I got here and walked around, it swelled up. :p

It's almost December now! And that means days will come and go faster than any other days!

So exciting!!

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