Sunday, September 05, 2010

It's Baby Girl for Us :)

We did our "20th" week scan yesterday, my 19w2d. And found out that we're having a baby girl! :)

All along, I thought/felt/knew we're having a boy! Imagine my surprise when the doctor said, you're having a girl! I had to ask, girl? Are you sure? Teehee!

Our baby girl :)

But it was really an amazing experience, seeing her active and moving, real time. We saw her opening her mouth, sucking her thumb, opening and closing her hands, forming a fist, rubbing her eyes. I wish we have an ultrasound machine at home so we can see the baby all the time! LOL!

We are now in the process of selecting baby names, although we already have a strong candidate, we are still keeping our options open. :)

I can feel the baby's movement since last week, it feels like my stomach is dropping. Hahaha! But all's good. She can kick and move and fuss around all she wants! :)

Will hold off on buying any baby items until I get to my 6th month. Imagine all the lovely stuffs I can get for her!! So exciting! :)

Steve's already imagining the boys that he will have to scare away and bully! Hahaha!

And tonight, we are flying off to Manila to see family and friends! Yey!

Will be celebrating my birthday there and I already have the best birthday gift I can ever ask for. :)

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